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Purified unit air conditioning unit

Brief description:Purified unit air conditioning unit
Specifications: JHF12N
Cooling capacity: 12kw
Product features: It can not only adjust the air temperature and humidity, but also ensure its cleanliness
Drainage method: pipeline

  • Product model:
  • Nature of manufacturer:manufacturer
  • Update time:2024-05-15
  • Number of enquiries: 2752

Detailed introduction

品牌ZHONGYOU/ ZhongyouCategory of origin国产
Application fieldChemicals, petroleum, electronics

名称:Purified unit air conditioning unit

Specifications: JHF12N

Cooling capacity: 12kw

Product features: It can not only adjust the air temperature and humidity, but also ensure its cleanliness

Drainage method: pipeline

Purified unit air conditioning unitUnit profile:

Purification type constant temperature and humidity type air conditioning units can be divided into chilled water type and own cold source type according to different cold source。The cold source of the chilled water type unit is 5~12℃ frozen water provided by another chiller;The cold source of the unit with its own cold source is provided by the matching refrigeration system inside the unit。JH, JL(D) type water-cooled series units are suitable for occasions with sufficient water sources;JHF, JLF(D) type air-cooled series units are suitable for occasions where water sources are relatively scarce。

How it works:

The operation of the constant humidity machine system is through three mutual systems: refrigerant circulation system, air circulation system, electrical automatic control system;Refrigerant circulation system: The liquid refrigerant in the evaporator absorbs the heat of the air (the air is cooled and dehumidified) and begins to evaporate,A certain temperature difference is formed between the refrigerant and the air,The liquid refrigerant also evaporates into a gaseous state,After being sucked in and compressed by the compressor (pressure and temperature increase),The gaseous refrigerant absorbs heat through a condenser (air-cooled/water-cooled),Condense into liquid。After being throttled through the expansion valve (or capillary), low temperature and low pressure refrigerant enters the evaporator to complete the refrigerant circulation process。

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